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Chapter 1.1 Cash Drops and Payouts

Jason Knight edited this page Mar 30, 2015 · 2 revisions

Clicking on the yellow coin just above the logged in username on the header menu will open the Cash Drop and Payout dialog window.

Whenever you open the draw of this register to put money in, or take money out that is not a part of the normal sales workflow you ABSOLUTELY MUST make a cash drop or payout, otherwise the end of day calculation will be off. Which may be a sign of user error, or user theft.

To drop means to put money into the register. To payout means to take money from the register.


Do not ever move "abstract" or "conceptual" money around with Drops and Payouts. The ONLY time you use this dialog is when a Real, Human Hand reaches into the drawer to take REAL money out, and a Real, human hand reaches into the drawer to put money in.

To often users of the software think that they will remember what they did and why the did it, created a cash drop, or payout, forgot and then blamed the system for having an incorrect End of Day Report.