4.1.10 (2021-08-26)
Fixed bugs:
- [Bug] Reload last case number from database periodically #2182
4.1.9 (2021-07-23)
Implemented enhancements:
- [Enhancement] Add button for index rebuilding #2144
Fixed bugs:
- [Bug] MISP sync delete existing observables when updating existing Alert #2134
- [Bug] Livestream emptied of audit logs after TheHive reboot #2135
- [Bug] AddTagToCase operation does not work #2136
4.1.8 (2021-07-19)
Implemented enhancements:
- [Feature Request] Improve SSO user auto creation #2127
- [Feature Request] Add simple improvements in alerts list #2129
Closed issues:
- typo in entrypoint man for "cortex-hostnames" #2114
Fixed bugs:
- [Bug] TheHive updates an alert from an updated MISP event but not the promoted Case #2110
4.1.7 (2021-07-05)
Implemented enhancements:
- [Enhancement] Copy the database even if the schema version doesn't match (with force flag) #2105
Fixed bugs:
- [Bug] Issue with Migration 3.5.1 -> 4.1.6 #2089
- [Bug] Fix serialization for case number messages #2107
- [Bug] Case is removed if the assignee is removed #2109
4.1.6 (2021-06-14)
Implemented enhancements:
- [Feature Request] Add API to repair database #2081
Fixed bugs:
- [Bug] Editing case template tasks incorrectly removes tasks #1926
- [Bug] When creating cases from alerts via API, the same case number gets assigned to multiple distinct cases #1970
- [Bug] src:MISP-ORG missing on MISP alerts #2058
- [Bug] Analyzer reports dissapear in 4.1.5 (observable already exists error) #2059
- [Bug] CaseNumber Conflict #2061
- [Bug] Alert tags glitch after previewing alert #2062
- [Bug] Case Template content mixed across organisations #2068
- [Bug] /api/v1/<user.ID>/key returns 401/403 if user hasn't key #2069
- [Bug] When API call returns failure, actual response depends on authentication methods #2070
- [Bug] Deleting observables doesn't produce audit log #2076
4.1.5 (2021-06-03)
Implemented enhancements:
- [Enhancement] Improve API v1 #2010
- [Enhancement] Improve integrity checks #2033
- [Feature Request] Add the ability to copy data from a database to another #2042
- [Feature Request] Add organisation name in responder data #2048
- [Feature Request] Add alert updatable fields #2055
Closed issues:
- [Bug] API GET /api/alert fails when similarity is specified #1981
Fixed bugs:
- [Bug] Imported filter does not show alerts which are associated to removed cases #1940
- [Bug] Observable already exists #1963
- [Bug] using quick-filter "shared with my org" takes arround 90 seconds #1979
- [Bug] Analyzer reports dissapear in 4.1.4 (observable already exists error) #1982
- [Bug] Merge Into Case search by title not working #1983
- [Bug] Able to merge alert into closed case, even though it is not allowed #1985
- Custom Dashboards issue - see #1877 as reference [Bug] #2001
- [Question] A security issue? #2008
- [Bug] Case description edit button misplaced after description update #2012
- [Bug] Analyzer list is not refreshing properly when organization change #2025
- [Bug] Alert list constantly resets #2030
- [Bug] Can't Delete Case Custom Field (contains [ character) After Migration #2043
- [Bug] Unable to find case by Case Number #2044
- [Bug] add TTP error message on the hive - 4.1.4-1 #2045
- [Bug] Merge Into Case search by title not a real search #2049
- [Bug] max-attributes param not working for MISP #2050
- [Bug] Invalid output when a file observable already exist #2054
4.1.4 (2021-04-15)
Implemented enhancements:
- [Feature Request] Sort case templates in alert Import drop down menu #1956
- [Enhancement] Make alert deletion more robust #1967
Fixed bugs:
- [Bug] Alert counter refresh not working #1911
- [Bug] Enabled or Disabled Taxonomies doesn't work #1957
- [Bug] TheHive 4.1.3-1 Task in Case is not visible #1964
- [Bug] Aggregation on custom fields provides incorect result (again) #1965
- [Bug] TheHive startup times out if schema evolution is long #1966
- [Bug] Default analyst rol cant add TTPs #1968
- [Bug] Links section should not be empty in Observables details view #1972
- [Bug] Deleting a shared rule case for org2 - deleting observables (sharing to org2) from the org1. #1973
- [Bug] AddTagToArtifact operation not working in 4.1.3 #1974
4.1.3 (2021-04-12)
Implemented enhancements:
- [Improvement] Cleanup deprecated filter usage #1922
- [Improvement] Make the property "Imported" in alerts optimised for index #1923
- [Feature Request] Display case templates in alphabetic order in "New case" menu #1925
- [Enhancement] Prevent the application to start if database initialisation fails #1935
- [Enhancement] Improve performance #1946
- [Enhancement] Remove blocking queries in some UI pages #1948
- [Enhancement] Use polluingDuration config from the UI #1951
- [Enhancement] Disable confirm buttons in import dialogs #1953
- [Enhancement] Add environment file in service #1954
Fixed bugs:
- [Bug] Add "Not assigned" to Assignee field on task page for tasks without an assigned user #1508
- [Bug] (Still) slow loading of list-tags endpoint with 4.1.2 #1914
- [Bug] Aggregation on custom fields provides incorect result #1921
- [Bug] Very slow load of Case Task list in UI in 4.1.2 #1927
- [Bug] Task "Take" Button not working #1931
- [Bug] Cluster: new nodes fail to start when the oldest node has been restarted #1934
- [Bug] Index status page is very slow #1936
- [Bug] Update of color in tags #1950
4.1.2 (2021-03-29)
Implemented enhancements:
- [Feature Request] Add case search by TTP #1893
Fixed bugs:
- [Bug] Slow loading of TheHive because of Tags #1869
- [Bug] After migration from 4.0.5 to 4.1.0 old tasklogs are not returned by "/api/v1/query?name=case-task-logs" query #1875
- Dashboards - custom fields #1877
- [Bug] TH 4.1.1 : Filter by "IMPORTED" does not work for alerts imported into existing cases #1891
- [Bug] Fix the S3 configuration options #1892
- [Bug] All attachments in task logs disappeared following upgrade to 4.1.1 #1894
- [Bug] Continued performance issues after upgrade to 4.1.1 #1896
- [Bug] Fix issues dashboard list #1901
- [Bug] Migration tool migrates unsupported elastic index #1907
- [Bug] Folder permissions are not correctly set in docker image #1908
4.1.1 (2021-03-23)
Implemented enhancements:
- [Feature Request] Include organisation ID in webhooks #1865
Closed issues:
Fixed bugs:
- [Bug] TheHive doesn't start if webhook is configured without authentication #1859
- [Bug] Migration fails from 4.0.5 to 4.1 #1861
- [Bug] Filter by "IMPORTED" does not work #1866
- [Bug] TheHive doesn't start in cluster mode (serializer is missing) #1868
- [Bug] Full-text search is slow #1870
4.1.0 (2021-03-18)
Implemented enhancements:
- Suggestion: Marge cases on the oldest and close the newest as duplicated #960
- [Feature Request] Implement case merging feature #1264
- [Enhancement] Enrich v1 API #1454
- [Feature Request] Prompt to save changes to Case Templates before navigating away #1524
- [Feature Request] allow user to choose the format of the date displayed #1583
- [Feature Request] Add support to taxonomies #1670
- [Enhancement] Improve search performance by using external index engine #1731
- [Feature Request] Default filter of alert case similarity : add "No filter" as an option #1750
- [Feature Request] Add MITRE ATT&CK support #1766
- [Feature Request] Show case status in the default view (open / closed as FP / closed as TP, etc.) #1781
- [Enhancement] Create logfile after installation #1789
- [Feature Request] Revamp case template admin section #1804
- [Feature Request] Improve date fields in data lists #1807
- [Feature Request] Enhance organisation list page #1813
- [Feature Request] Add a platform status page #1815
- [Feature Request] Add organisation free tags administration section #1816
- [Feature Request] Enhance the dashboard list section #1817
- [Enhancement] Add migration from TheHive 3.5.1 #1818
- [Feature Request] Additional case bulk actions #1821
- [Feature Request] Add support to "isEmpty" filter option #1824
- [Feature Request] Improve task list page #1831
- [Feature Request] Disk usage monitoring API route #1843
- [Feature Request] Allow cancelling task action request #1844
- [Feature Request] Add more quick filters to case list #1848
- [Feature Request] Add support of authentication in webhooks #1850
- [Feature Request] Allow removing a custom field from a case #1852
Closed issues:
- [Feature Request] Alphabetize Case Template view #1551
- [Feature Request] Add the ability to directly close a task #1727
- [Question] Tags and custom fields can be seen across organisations / potential for data leakage #1778
- [Feature Request] Allow user to reorder case templates, or display them in alphabetic order #1787
- [Repository] Improve github issue templates #1840
Fixed bugs:
- Can not view or delete alert when delete the case that created by Import Alert #1123
- Imported Alerts Cannot be Deleted #1201
- [Bug] Creating Cases via API ignores the owner field #1473
- [Bug] Missing cases migrating from TH3 to TH4 #1682
- [Bug] Attachment files are not deleted from local filesystem storage when logs is deleted #1687
- [Bug] Impossible to switch organization if organization name contains an accent #1741
- [Bug] Filtering issue #1753
- Identical URL Observables can still be added multiple times to the same case #1756
- [Bug] Integrity checks for user deduplication is not run when an user is added #1759
- [Bug] Deleting a shared case on org2 doesn't delete task from the Org1 resulting in log spam and undeletable task #1767
- [Bug] Fix pivoting from donuts to search pages on custom fields based widgets #1777
- [Bug] Unable to migrate to TH 4.0.5 #1785
- [Bug] Elapsed time for re-opened cases is showed as "closed". #1796
- [Bug] Observables list doesn't reload #1802
- [Bug] Error in handling users included in many organisations #1803
- [Bug] Organisation users list doesn't include update date #1805
- [Bug] Reveal API key not working for users with profile analyst #1806
- [Bug] Observables not present in some events imported from MISP #1819
- [Bug] Migration: parameter input is unusable #1827
- [Bug] Migration of caseTemplate without task fails #1828
- [Bug] - Use API v1 to fetch observable job history #1838
- [Bug] File observables with special character in name can not be downloaded #1842
- [Bug] Shared dashboards are not editable #1849
- [Bug] Disable the Audit search section #1851
4.0.5 (2021-02-08)
Implemented enhancements:
- Support for using asterisks by tag-filtering #933
- "Close tasks and case" deletes tasks instead of closing them #1755
- [Enhancement] Add schema update status in status API #1782
Closed issues:
- Running TheHive 4.0.1-1 it appears that application.log is no longer rotated. #1746
Fixed bugs:
- [Bug] RPM package does not create secret.conf file #1248
- [Bug] More webhooks or more detailed webhook events #1739
- [Bug] Webhooks opening infinite amount of files #1743
- [Bug] Dashboards are always created as private #1754
- [Bug]/Unable to get MISP organisation #1758
- [Bug] TheHive 4 Cluster and Haproxy with roundrobin #1760
- [Bug] TheHive -> MISP works. MISP -> TheHive not. #1761
- [Bug] TheHive 4.0.4 cannot show tasks created in previous versions #1763
- [Bug]
property in Alerts not taken into account #1769 - [Bug] Sort field list in dashboard widget filters #1771
- [Bug] Dashboard on organisation (and other) doesn't work #1772
- [BUG] Cannot link multiple organisations together #1773
- [Bug] Fix custom field filters in v0 APIs #1779
4.0.4 (2021-01-12)
Implemented enhancements:
- [Feature Request] Add alert observable API endpoints #1732
- [Feature Request] Add alert import date property #1733
- [Feature Request] Add handling duration properties to imported Alert type #1734
Fixed bugs:
- [Bug] TheHive doesn't start if cassandra is not ready #1725
- [Bug] Alert imported multiple times (bis) #1738
- [Bug] Cosmetic fix in alert observables list #1744
4.0.3 (2020-12-22)
Implemented enhancements:
- Providing output details for Responders #1293
- [Enhancement] Change artifacts by observables on the onMouseOver tooltip of the eye icon of observable #1695
- [Enhancement] Enhance support of S3 for attachment storage #1705
- [Enhancement] Update the headers of basic info sections #1710
- [Enhancement] Add poll duration config for UI Stream #1720
Fixed bugs:
- [Bug] MISP filters are not correctly implemented #1685
- [Bug] The query "getObservable" doesn't work for alert observables #1691
- [Bug] Click analyzers mini-report does not load the full report #1694
- [Bug] Import file observable in gui generate error #1697
- [Bug] Cannot search for alerts per observables #1707
- [Bug] Serialization problem in cluster mode #1708
- [Bug] Issue with sorting #1716
- [Bug] Identical URL Observables can be added multiple times to the same case #1718
4.0.2 (2020-11-20)
Implemented enhancements:
- [Feature Request] Add a dedicated permission to give access to TheHiveFS #1655
- [Feature Request] Normalize editable input fields #1669
Fixed bugs:
- [Bug] Unable to list Cases #1598
- [Bug] Alert to case merge is broken in v4.0.1 #1648
- [Bug] Attachment.* filters are broken under observable search in v4.0.1 #1649
- [Bug] Result of observable update API v0 is empty #1652
- [Bug] Display issue of custom fields #1653
- [Bug] Persistent AuditSrv:undefined error on 4.0.1 #1656
- [Bug] Issues with case attachments section #1657
- [Bug] API method broken: /api/case/artifact/_search in 4.0.1 #1659
- [Bug] API method broken: /api/case/task/log/_search in 4.0.1 #1660
- [Bug] Unable to define ES index on migration #1661
- [Bug] Dashboard max aggregation on custom-integer field does not work #1662
- [Bug] Missing the fix for errorMessage #1666
- [Bug] Fix alert details dialog #1672
- [Bug] error 500 with adding an empty file in Observables of an Alert #1673
- [Bug] Fix migration of audit logs #1676
4.0.1 (2020-11-13)
Implemented enhancements:
- [Enhancement] Remove gremlin-scala library #1501
- [Feature request] Improve case similarity details in alert preview pane #1579
- [Enhancement] Check tag autocompletion #1611
- [Feature] Add Cortex related notifiers in notification system #1619
- [Feature] Add properties related to share #1621
- [Feature Request] Update user settings view to give access to API key #1623
- [Feature Request] Permit to disable similarity (case and alert) for some observable #1625
- [Enhancement] Add link to report template archive #1627
- [Enahancement] Display TheHive version in the login page #1629
- [Feature Request] Display custom fields in alert and case list #1637
- [Feature Request] Revamp the statistics section in lists #1641
- [Enhancement] Improve the filter observables panel #1642
- [Enhancement] Refine the migration of users with admin role #1645
Closed issues:
- [Bug] default MISP connector import line has a typo #1595
Fixed bugs:
- [Bug] MISP->THEHIVE4 'ExportOnly' and 'Exceptions' ignored in application.conf file #1482
- [Bug] Mobile-responsive Hamburger not visible #1290
- [Bug] Unable to start TheHive after migration #1450
- [Bug] Expired session should show a dialog or login page on pageload #1456
- [Bug] TheHive 4 - Application.conf file #1461
- [Bug] Improve migration #1469
- [Bug] Merge Alert in similar Case button does not work #1470
- [Bug] Missing Case number in Alert Preview / Similar Cases tab #1471
- [Bug] Dashboard shared/private #1474
- [Bug]Migration tool date/number/duration params don't work #1478
- [Bug] AuditSrv: undefined on non-case page(s), thehive4-4.0.0-1, Ubuntu #1479
- [Bug] Unable to enumerate tasks via API #1483
- [Bug] Case close notification displays "#undefined" instead of case number #1488
- [Bug] Task under "Waiting tasks" and "My tasks" do not display the case number #1489
- [Bug] Live Stream log in main page is not limited to 10 entries #1490
- [Bug] Several API Endpoints could never get called due to the routing structure #1492
- [Bug] Missing link to linked cases from observable details view #1494
- [Bug] TheHive V4 API Errors "Operation Not Permitted" and "Date format" #1496
- [Bug] V4 Merge observable tags with existing observables during importing alerts into case #1499
- [Bug] Multiline dashboard doesn't work #1503
- [Bug] Tags of observables in Alerts are not created when promoted #1510
- [Bug] Alert creation fails if alert contains similar observables #1514
- [Bug] "Undefined" in notification message when a case is closed #1515
- [Bug] The creation of multiline observable is not possible #1517
- [Bug] Entrypoint: Waiting for cassandra with --no-config #1519
- [Bug] Suppress Reduntant AuthenticationFailed Error+Warn #1523
- [Bug] API v0: "startDate" sort criteria not implemented #1540
- [Bug] Fix case search in case merge dialog #1541
- [Bug] Soft-Deleted cases show up as "(Closed at as )" in the case list. #1543
- [Bug] Related cases show only one observable #1544
- [Bug] An user can create a task even if it doesn't the permission #1545
- [Bug] Wrong stats url on user and audit #1546
- [Bug] Add DATETIME information to each task log #1547
- [Bug] Custom configuration is not correctly read in docker image #1548
- [Bug] Typo in MFA onboarding #1549
- [Bug] New custom fields doesn't appear in search criteria #1550
- [Bug] Custom Field Order ignored #1552
- [Bug] Additional Fields are discarded during merge #1553
- [Bug] Unable to list alerts in case's related alerts section #1554
- [Bug] Deleting the first case breaks the the audit flow until the next restart #1556
- [Bug] Issues surrounding Alerts merging #1557
- [Bug] Uncaught exception with duplicate mail type observables when added to case #1561
- [Bug] Case Tasks get deleted if not started #1565
- [Bug] Can't export Case tags to MISP event #1566
- [Bug]The link to similar observable in observable details page doesn't work #1567
- [Bug] TheHive4 'follow/unfollow' API doesn't return alert objects like TheHive3 does #1571
- [Bug] Alert Custom Field with integer value #1588
- [Bug] Tag filter is broken #1590
- [Bug] Admin user does not have the right to list users of other organisations #1592
- [Bug] Add missing query operations #1599
- [Bug] Fix configuration sample #1600
- [Bug] Analyzer tags are removes if Cortex job fails #1610
- [Bug] deleted Tasks displayed in MyTasks #1612
- [Bug] the "_in" query operator doesn't work #1617
- [Bug] Sort filter field dropdowns #1630
- [Bug] Alert imported multiple times #1631
- [Bug] Import observables from analyzer report is broken #1633
- [Bug] Import observable from a zip archive doesn't work #1634
- [Bug] Case handling duration attributes are not working in time based dashboard widgets #1635
- [Bug] Fix custom field in filter forms #1636
- [Bug] It is possible to add an identical file observable several times in a case #1643
- [Bug] Hash observables are not correctly export to MISP #1644
4.0.0 (2020-07-24)
Implemented enhancements:
- No longer possible to force usage of a case template (ui setting is missing) #1239
- Make user management list paginable and sortable with default sort of username #1332
- Cursor is set wrong on new-Case -> severity #1373
- [Enhancement] Prevent link with "admin" organisation #1395
- [Enhancement] An user should not be able to lock himself #1396
- Performance - Don't load stats if not displayed #1401
- [RBAC] Add routes guard configuration to secure routes #1403
- [Enhancement] Add checks for database integrity #1404
- Use Query APIs in list pages #1410
- Improve autocomplete queries for tags #1411
- [Enhancement] Add ability to add tasks in case creation API #1414
- Improve user details caching #1418
- Add bulk edit in cases list #1423
- Use a responder selector window instead of dynamic dropdown menues #1431
- Show sharing summary in task and observable lists #1437
- Add some quick filters in tasks list #1438
- Use assignable users API to populate assignee options #1444
- Migrate the stats widgets on listing pages #1446
Closed issues:
- Default Dashboards are missing #1240
Fixed bugs:
- [Bug] Migration issues from ES to Cassandra #1340
- [Bug] Deleting and observable doesn't refresh the list #1355
- [Bug] Limiting admin rights breaks front end #1368
- [Bug] Imported Dashboards from TH3 doesn't work #1371
- [Bug] Top 5 tags in Case -> Stats aren't correctly ordered #1372
- [Bug] Migration of usernames from ES to Cassandra #1374
- [Bug] Switching User Organisation failes using header variable authentication #1375
- [Bug] Tags gets wrong renamed #1376
- [Bug] MISP integration alert link generated incorrectly #1378
- [Bug] CustomFields does not appear sorted in the case template #1383
- [Bug] Users in Admin-Org are not allowed to switch to any other org #1385
- [Bug] Custom Observable Types can be created multiple-times with the same name #1387
- [Bug] Issues during Migration - Some Observables are missing #1388
- [Bug] Proxy configuration is not correctly parsed #1392
- [Bug] Handle 401 on route failure #1402
- [Bug] Delete case api fails #1405
- Fix the filter preview deletion button #1412
- Fix OAuth redirect handling from Javascript #1420
- [Bug] Error when exporting a case with severity Critical in MISP #1424
- [Bug] Cases owned by non-linked organisations visible to all organisations, potential data leakage #1427
- [Bug] TheHive doesn't start correctly #1429
- [Bug] Permission is not correctly checked for MISP export #1432
- Observable type deletion doesn't wait for the confirmation #1433
- Fix rendering of jobs in search section #1434
- Remove obsolete options in Search page #1436
- [Bug] Click on dashboards to access filtered data #1445
- [Bug] Pivoting from dashboard to search page is loosing the date filter #1448
- [Bug] Series' filters in dashboard widgets are taken into account #1449
4.0.0-RC3 (2020-05-27)
Implemented enhancements:
- [Feature] Show case sharing information on main case overview page #1277
- [Feature] Allow users to be part of multiple organisations #1316
- [Enhancement] Hide multifactor option in user-dialog if Enable Multi-Factor Authentication is disabled. #1317
- [Feature] Authentication API should return user information #1346
- [Enhancement] Enrich queries #1353
Fixed bugs:
- [Bug] Unable to add new datatypes #1288
- [Bug] Unable to bulk delete an alert #1310
- [Bug] importing alert as template not working #1311
- [Bug] Tasks not displayed when importing alert into case with case template #1312
- [Bug] WebHook creation does not work #1318
- [Bug] Opening Analyzer Templates without Cortex brings error message #1319
- [Bug] Case Statistics does not correctly display top 5 tags #1320
- [Bug] Importing of some user failes #1323
- [Bug] invisible dashborards #1324
- [Bug] Assignee List in Case and Tasks is no longer sorted Alphabetical #1327
- [Bug] Sorting in Observables of a case does not work #1328
- [Bug] Read-only has options to edit task-logs #1334
- [Bug] Adding a custom-field on an open case requires a reload, otherwise field is not visible #1336
- [Bug] severity change when create new case don't work #1338
- [Bug] The filter operator "_child" is missing #1344
- [Bug] Webhook compatibility issues on custom-fields #1345
- [Bug] Object sent to responder doesn't contain parent #1348
- [Bug] Show Sharing link to all users #1351
- [Bug] Unable to create case or alert using integer custom field #1356
- [Bug] Get observables of a case using API not working #1357
- [Bug] OAuth2 authentication doesn't redirect to home page on success #1360
- [Bug] Confusion on same alert on different organisations #1361
- [Bug] Search link to observable does not work #1365
- [Bug] Unable to vienw analysis report from observable list #1366
- [Bug] MISP export succeeds but show an error message #1367
- [Bug] rc3 migration script failure #1369
- [Bug] set HTTP redirect correctly when behind a reverse proxy #1370
4.0.0-RC2 (2020-05-07)
Implemented enhancements:
- Custom severity levels for alerts and cases #363
- A (received) Shared Case is displayed as sender/owner #1245
- FR: Alignment of case custom-fields (metrics) #1246
- Add information about the age of a Case #1257
- Add support to multi-factor authentication #1303
- Add support to webhooks #1306
Closed issues:
- [Bug] Attachment stored in thehive but not in configured file-storage #1244
Fixed bugs:
- [Bug] TH doesn't find cases related to an alert's artifacts #1236
- [Bug] Creation of multiple user with same login within same org #1237
- Date is now a required attribute for generating an Alert #1238
- [Bug] Case Template default values can't be set during template creation #1241
- SearchSrv.NotFoundError #1242
- Assignee is not changeable #1243
- [Bug] In TheHive, a user is a member of one or more organisations. One user has a profile for each organisation and can have different profiles for different organisations. #1247
- [Bug] Unable to save new or imported dashboards in 4.0-RC1 #1250
- [Bug] Header Variable authentication does not work #1251
- Filtering by custom fields returns no results #1252
- Cannot Deleted user - Error "OrgUserCtrl: org.thp.thehive.models.User not found" #1253
- [Bug] Error while importing Alert in TH4 #1255
- [Bug] Cortex errors #1270
- [Bug] error when closing a reopened case #1271
- [Bug] Unable to rename/update case template Name field #1275
- [Bug] Wrong dataType sent to Cortex (responders) #1279
- [Bug] Changing task name removes other tasks #1281
- [Bug] Disable deleting a share with owner = true #1283
- [Bug] Responder actions not displayed in Case, Task and Observable pages #1300
- [Bug] Custom field should be readonly #1307
- [Bug] Unable to display long analyzer report from observables list #1309