Version 6.5.2
75 commits
to master
since this release
- #3429 [PAN Cortex XSOAR] Create a stream connector to create intels
- #3421 [import-files] Add markings support transfer from initial uploaded file
- #3385 Splunk App version 1.1.1
- #3176 [Sekoia] Retrieve the list of entity sources
- #3075 [Proofpoint ET]: Create an enrichment connector
- #1538 [Proofpoint TAP] Developing a connector
- #268 [IBM X-Force Exchange] Create the connector
Bug Fixes:
- #3409 [Zvelo] Issue on connector run due to code error
- #3372 [Zvelo]: Connector stops working if data is invalid or incorrectly formatted
- #3334 [virustotal-livehunt-notifications] Connector fails to start with
ModuleNotFoundError: import of time halted; None in sys.modules
- #3263 [Recorded Future] Connector is creating relationships in the wrong direction
- #3245 [Recorded Future] Invalid valid_from/valid_until logic affecting decay mechanisms on OpenCTI Platform
- #3216 [Recorded Future] Another formatting error prevents incident creation
Pull Requests:
- Update dependency beautifulsoup4 to v4.13.3 by @renovate in #3397
- Update dependency isort to v6 by @renovate in #3369
- [Virustotal Livehunt Notifications] Fix ModuleNotFound error by @Powlinett in #3398
- [Zvelo] hot fix: connector stops working if processed data is invalid or incorrectly formatted by @flavienSindou in #3402
- [Proofpoint TAP] Init by @flavienSindou in #3387
- [Sekoia] Retrieve the list of entity sources by @Lhorus6 in #3299
- Update dependency pip-audit to ~=2.8.0 by @renovate in #3403
- Update dependency playwright to v1.50.0 by @renovate in #3404
- Update dependency pycti to v6.5.1 by @renovate in #3408
- [ProofPoint-ET-Intelligence] Create new enrichment connector by @Megafredo in #3392
- [Zvelo] Fix type error by @helene-nguyen in #3410
- Update dependency pycti to v6.5.1 by @renovate in #3412
- Update opencti/connector-import-file-yara Docker tag to v6.5.1 by @renovate in #3415
- Update opencti/connector-proofpoint-et-reputation Docker tag to v6.5.1 by @renovate in #3416
- Update dependency ruff to v0.9.6 by @renovate in #3414
- Update dependency PyYAML to v6.0.2 by @renovate in #3417
- Update dependency boto3 to v1.36.19 by @renovate in #3419
- [client] Add markings support for workbench by @richard-julien in #3401
- [reversinglabs-spectra-analyze] Add classification API support in workflow by @DinkoReversingLabs in #3420
- [Recorded Future] Fix unhashable dict issue by getting author ID by @helene-nguyen in #3422
- [VulnCheck] Initial Implementation of VulnCheck Connector by @maddawik in #3257
- Update dependency googleapis-common-protos to v1.67.0 by @renovate in #3427
- [Connectors] Fix valid_from date in some connectors + format files + correct relationships direction by @helene-nguyen in #3428
Full Changelog: 6.5.1...6.5.2