Releases: hove-io/navitia
Releases · hove-io/navitia
What's Changed
- [Jormungandr]: Navitia-Geovelo mapping update by @wassimbenaissa in #3994
New Contributors
- @wassimbenaissa made their first contribution in #3994
Full Changelog: v15.32.0...v15.33.0
What's Changed
- [CI]: remove debian10 and refacto by @azime in #3987
- [kraken]: warn only when certain of the number of RT messages in queue by @pbougue in #3993
- [Jormungandr] [Autocomplete]: Remove administrative_regions from children and add test on places with query by @kadhikari in #3992
- [Kraken]: Journey status is NO_SERVICE if stop used is deleted by disruption by @pbougue in #3995
- [Jormungandr] [Ridesharing]: Add two params while calling OuestGo by @kadhikari in #3996
Full Changelog: v15.31.0...v15.32.0
What's Changed
- Bump certifi from 2022.6.15 to 2022.12.7 in /source/benchmark by @dependabot in #3873
- Bump future from 0.15.2 to 0.18.3 in /source/eitri by @dependabot in #3933
- ci: default branch for 'mimirsbrunn' is now 'main' by @woshilapin in #3974
- Refactoring PlaceUri in distributed by @azime in #3970
- Kraken: fix typo in broker param name by @pbench in #3973
- Tag ecologic in journeys should be updated at the end by @kadhikari in #3977
- Manage path instruction language in jormungandr by @kadhikari in #3979
- Manage poi access points in journeys by @azime in #3978
- fix portable min by @pbench in #3980
- poi_access_points added for instance by @azime in #3982
- Newrelic: -> 8.8.0 by @azime in #3984
- Revert "Newrelic: -> 8.8.0" by @azime in #3985
- INIT: Manage best boarding positions by @kadhikari in #3981
- Upgrade NR: to by @azime in #3986
Full Changelog: v15.30.1...v15.31.0
What's Changed
- Kraken: only process the last RT message of a batch for a given by @pbougue in #3956
- CI: Fix generate tyr-worker by @azime in #3957
- CI: rollback tyr-worker image generation by @azime in #3958
- CI: Deploy master package on dev tyr-worker by @azime in #3960
- CI: Fix generate tyr-worker by @azime in #3963
- CI: Deplace choose tag steps by @azime in #3964
- CI: Fix test branch name by @azime in #3966
- Jormungandr: Poi access point by @azime in #3967
- Jormungandr: Cache Co2 emission value instead of pb object by @kadhikari in #3965
- [Jormungandr Python3.9]Set handshake_ivl to 0 by @xlqian in #3961
- Jormungandr: Add low_emission_zone in journey and section for car and CarNoPark by @kadhikari in #3959
- Doc: Add length information on URL by @stifoon in #3954
- [Jormungandr] Fix LEZ when fallbacks are car by @xlqian in #3969
- Kraken: Count number of unprefetched messages in queue + increase prefetch by @pbougue in #3968
Full Changelog: v15.29.0...v15.30.0
What's Changed
- Kraken: Add all LineSection impacts in line_reports by linking it to the line by @kadhikari in #3952
- [debian8] add archive apt source by @pbench in #3953
- Kraken: Add metrics around RT handling by @pbougue in #3955
Full Changelog: v15.28.0...v15.29.0
What's Changed
- [Kraken] fix realtime-VJ creation to copy equipment from base-schedule by @pbougue in #3948
- [Jormungandr] Optim log readyness and others by @kadhikari in #3950
Full Changelog: v15.27.0...v15.28.0
What's Changed
- Init: Integration of air pollutants like NOx and PM10 for a car by @kadhikari in #3937
- [Jormungandr] Fix failure of caching instances list by @xlqian in #3943
- [Jormungandr] Fix failure of caching instances list 2 by @xlqian in #3944
- Avoid calling the database in case of exception for a period configured by @kadhikari in #3941
- Init migration Python 3.9 by @azime in #3945
- Remove old release script and workflows by @pbench in #3907
- Fix crowfly_air_pollutants if error occurs before by @kadhikari in #3946
- Downgrade flask caching by @azime in #3947
- LogLevel changed for geojson autocomplete by @azime in #3949
Full Changelog: v15.26.9...v15.27.0