Releases: OpenRailAssociation/osrd
Releases · OpenRailAssociation/osrd
Version 0.3.3
What's Changed
Features 🎉
- Space time chart and manchette:
- Display occupancy blocks in space time charts by @Akctarus in #9366
- Display workschedules in space time chart by @anisometropie in #9012
- Display conflicts on the space time chart by @emersion in #9247
- Add a modal to manage waypoints in manchette by @SharglutDev in #8796
- Add option menu to manchette by @SharglutDev in #8775
- Add process-compose driver in osrdyne by @leovalais in #8573
- Highlight unindentified operational point in itinerary component by @Caracol3 in #9270
- Add simulation sheet in scenario page by @Uriel-Sautron in #9287
- New scenario page design:
- Redesign of the list of trains by @theocrsb in #8765
- Add moon logo when the train passes after midnight by @theocrsb in #9111
- Add the invalid train card to the timetable and delete the old one by @theocrsb in #9152
- Redesigned the top of the page by @theocrsb in #8861
- Adapt location of the conflict list by @theocrsb in #9172
- Size adjustment by @theocrsb in #9219
- Add logo when train is projected by @theocrsb in #9192
- Change display when description is too long by @theocrsb in #9347
- Redesing conflicts list by @theocrsb in #9280
- Adapt odd display of filter panel by @theocrsb in #9184
- Add selected and projection train ids to query params and local storage to the scenario page by @Synar in #9429
- Add work schedule projection endpoint by @anisometropie in #8794
- Add work schedules to v2 conflict detection endpoint by @Erashin in #8786
- Remove infra loader while in macro mode by @RomainValls in #9348
- Add telemetry support to osrdyne by @ElysaSrc in #9440
- Use
mode for rabbitmq connection instead ofamqp
in keda by @ElysaSrc in #9456 - Add debug components in STDCM interface by @SarahBellaha in #8812
- Return conflicts list when STDCM request fail by @hamz2a in #9327
- Add
connectivity to the healthcheck by @woshilapin in #9393 - Add security file by @flomonster in #9424
- Add temporry speed limits object by @Sh099078 in #8985
- Remove the space curves slopes chart (now integrated to the speed space chart) by @clarani in #9148
- Add single-worker mode for all infra by @bougue-pe in #9166
- Provide details when pathfinding failed by @younesschrifi in #9162
- Add end to end tests:
- Add error when input timings aren't possible in STDCM requests by @eckter in #9437
- Map smooth animation configuration for pathfinding errors by @sim51 in #8406
- Add more details of missing locations in pathfinding by @hamz2a in #9113
- Add shortslip distance checkbox in timestops by @RomainValls in #9275
- Improve roles system:
- Add roles CLI by @leovalais in #9211
- Remove application roles by @leovalais in #9157
- Refresh core workers on version changes by @ElysaSrc in #9382
- Add train_schedule object to the search engine by @EthanPERRUZZA in #9178
- Support keda autoscaling for k8s driver 🪜 by @ElysaSrc in #8741
- Add editoast healthcheck command by @ElysaSrc in #9310
- Towed rolling stock:
- Add towed rolling stock in editoast schemas by @woshilapin in #9202
- Add support for STDCM simulation convoy parameters by @Wadjetz in #9106
- Add
to towed rolling stock by @woshilapin in #9465
- Hard code composition codes by @theocrsb in #9329
- Handle accents in STDCM vias autocomplete by @leovalais in #9333
- Use pooling for amqp by @ElysaSrc in #9317
- Display new warnings in STDCM by @clarani in #9314
- Hard code freight rolling stock & modify rolling stock suggestion label by @clarani in #9305
- Safety speed:
- Import train schedules from Viriato file by @RomainValls in #8756
- Add zones to path properties by @emersion in #9205
Code refactoring ♻️
- Bump dependencies in multiple PR
- Use
instead of react-lazy-load-image-component by @emersion in #8790
- Use infra explorer in pathfinding endpoint by @Erashin in #9153
- Add .kotlin folder to ignore files by @Khoyo in #8892
- Improve dependabot configuration
- Remove core legacy v1 test data by @eckter in #8895
- Update core fuzzer by @eckter in #8896
- Create type
by @clarani in #9428 - Rotate the unit on the right in space-curve-slopes by @clarani in #8881
- Return conflict requirements from back by @emersion in #8758
- Split the ScenarioView into 2 components by @clarani in #8866
- Enable @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-return by @emersion in #8884
- Make rmq max message size configurable through an environment variable by @EthanPERRUZZA in #9446
- Select only valid train by default (for the selected train and for the train used for the projection) by @clarani in #8879
- Add some data sources and licenses by @clarani in #8904
- Nixfmt and cleanup old shell.nix by @ElysaSrc in #9482
- Update flake.lock by @github-actions in #8675
- Add dco check by @EthanPERRUZZA in #8818
- Nuke storybook 💣 by @emersion in #9147
- Implement variable stop durations by @eckter in #8815
- Convert frequency between osrd and nge by @Uriel-Sautron in #8917
- Remove datadog support by @flomonster in #9443
- Remove always-on directive by @woshilapin in #9478
- Turn on @typescript-eslint/no-unsafe-call lint by @emersion in #8923
- Use standard oidc crate by @flomonster in #9464
- Add STDCM consist inputs for tonnage and length by @...
Version 0.3.2
What's Changed
Bug fixes 🐛
- Fix frontend missing rolling stock images in train schedule list by @emersion in #8827
- Fix core distance_range_map.to_range_map by @Castavo in #8831
Full Changelog: v0.3.1...v0.3.2
Version 0.3.1
What's Changed
Features 🎉
Roles (editoast)
Speed-Limit source
- core, editoast: return speed-limit source (tag) of MRSP by @bougue-pe in #8351
- front: adapt new speed limit source to speedspacechart by @RomainValls in #8444
- core, editoast, front: stop using speed-limit tags' long names by @bougue-pe in #8417
- front: use design system font in new STDCM interface by @kmer2016 in #8760
- front: adjustment of STDCM interface (Part 1) by @kmer2016 in #8804
- editoast: add cli to manage stdcm search environments by @Castavo in #8745
- core: quick opti step availability by @Erashin in #8586
- core: simplify stdcm edge builder by @eckter in #8766
- core: refactor time data into a new data class by @eckter in #8740
- front: converting train labels between osrd and nge by @Uriel-Sautron in #8692
- front: convert times from NGE to OSRD by @emersion in #8416
monitoring & datadog
- editoast: hide 'datadog' and 'opentelemetry' behind feature flags by @woshilapin in #8598
- editoast: activate 'datadog' feature on production images by @woshilapin in #8724
- add default log directive to display all HTTP calls by @woshilapin in #8830
- make authorizer's logs less noisy by @woshilapin in #8834
- front
- collapse scenario description by @emersion in #8630
- removed rocket component after pathfinding search by @Caracol3 in #8505
- enable source maps in production by @emersion in #8637
- add multi delete to scenarios and studies by @RomainValls in #8267
- be able to select a via on the map even when pf failed by @SarahBellaha in #8677
- custom help modal by @ElysaSrc in #8807
- editoast
- do not depend directly on 'serde_derive' by @woshilapin in #8602
- improve naming of extracted variables in several handlers by @leovalais in #8674
- add codegen filter to ModelV2 by @leovalais in #7898
- add rolling stock related schedules list endpoint by @Sh099078 in #8564
- osm_to_railjson: add a readme example for Germany by @bougue-pe in #8825
- docker: add override for Docker socket path by @emersion in #8480
- core: allowances: log more details on binary search failure by @eckter in #8720
- front
Code refactoring ♻️
- drop TS v1
- delete Train Schedule V1 endpoints by @younesschrifi in #8275
- removes fixtures V1 by @leovalais in #8697
- harmonize comfort type by @younesschrifi in #8525
- remove v2 suffix by @younesschrifi in #8526
- rename ModelV2 by Model by @leovalais in #8759
- remove unused features in dependencies by @woshilapin in #8603
- move into editoast_models by @leovalais in #8655
- remove old pagination system of editoast by @leovalais in #8662
- simplify LightRollingStock management & modules reorganisation by @leovalais in #8672
- disable
parameter in non-debug builds & harmonize endpoint results by @leovalais in #8673 - better encapsulate diesel's connection to ease the split of editoast_models by @Wadjetz in #8712
- remove duplicate query results using
DISTINCT ON (object_id)
by @hamz2a in #8805 - remove 'RjsRollingStock' from OpenAPI by @woshilapin in #8829
- drop TS v1
- rename v2 components by @SharglutDev in #8781
- drop hardcoded scenario header height, second take by @emersion in #8028
- remove pathSteps property from TimesStopsOutput by @emersion in #8624
- move NGE logic to dedicated component directory by @emersion in #8678
- update useMemo() dependencies in useOutputTableData() by @emersion in #8722
- simplify OP matching in useOutputTableData() by @emersion in #8739
- eslint
- add eslint rule to ban React.FC by @clarani in #8664
- deactivate some eslint rules by @clarani in #8658
- turn on noUnusedLocals by @emersion in #8696
- turn on @typescript-eslint/no-unnecessary-type-assertion lint by @emersion in #8785
- enable ESLint cache by @emersion in #8784
- add eslintcache, envrc and direnv to gitignore by @RomainValls in #8803
Bug fixes 🐛
- ch management
- fix dropped ch when running pathfinding by @emersion in #8632
- make ch check more robust in updatePathStepsFromOperationalPoints() by @emersion in #8631
- osrd recognizes secondary code as BV, 00, or an empty string if no secondary code is provided by the user in macroscopic mode. by @Caracol3 in #8748
- spelling
- fix spelling errors and standardisation by @JulesPeignier in #8625
- rollingstock.json spelling by @SergeCroise in #8763
- fix incorrect times in conflict cards by @RomainValls in #8653
- fix output table does not display schedule for op via by @clarani in #8555
- stdcm: fix simulation report map is not showing the path by @SarahBellaha in #8256
- fix deactivate platforms layer in editor by @clarani in #8659
- fix infinite loop in timestops by @SharglutDev in #8691
- fix train displaying as not honored despite respecting times & stop time by @kmer2016 in #8699
- fix missing output table by @anisometropie in #8753
- manchette: display waypoints added with map click by @SharglutDev in #8698
- ch management
- fix std_search_env tests for cases when the table initia...
Version 0.3.0
What's Changed
Features 🎉
- Train schedule V2
- Train edition by @achrafmohye in #7876
- Drop tsv2 switch by @SharglutDev in #8217
- Synchronize input table arrival/departure/stop by @anisometropie in #8141
- Drop simulation results and stdcm v1 by @SharglutDev in #8269
- Macroscopic view
- Add tabs for NGE integration by @Uriel-Sautron in #8006
- Upgrade NGE to v2.7.0 by @emersion in #8309
- Upgrade NGE to forked v2.7.2 by @emersion in #8343
- Upgrade NGE to forked v2.7.5 by @emersion in #8384
- Implement macro editor for operational point import by @emersion in #7940
- Convert operations from NGE to OSRD by @Caracol3 in #8220
- Save NGE node positions in localStorage by @emersion in #8372
- Don't debounce NGE node events by @emersion in #8487
- Scalable async RPC by @ElysaSrc in #8048
- Add lazy loading for scenario data by @clarani in #8271
- Look for fastest path instead of shortest by @eckter in #8053
- Space time chart integration by @Math-R in #8130
- Speed space chart integration by @Yohh in #8146
- Add fallback for speed limit tags by @bougue-pe in #7903
- Add stdcm search environment model and endpoints by @Castavo in #8257
- Pathfinding error details
- Add xmas logo 🎅 by @flomonster in #7962
- Add telemetry to core requests by @woshilapin in #7958
- Add initial config for IDE by @emersion in #7943
- Display only points defining the path in stdcm map by @SarahBellaha in #7972
- Highlight that are not honoring their schedules by @theocrsb in #7959
- Power restrictions v2 by @RomainValls in #7824
- STDCM scheduled steps by @SarahBellaha in #8364
- Result section of STDCM UI by @Akctarus in #7815
- Performances ⚡
- Improve performances of batch pathfinding and simulation 🚀 by @flomonster in #7995
- Improve batch pathfinding performances by @flomonster in #8035
- Bulk get cached projection by @flomonster in #7968
- Pre-filter requirements that are not in the range by @eckter in #8091
- Fix and reintroduce pathfinding heuristic by @eckter in #8145
- Extract min time from heuristic by @eckter in #8204
- Improve time complexity of stdcm conflict detection by @eckter in #8231
- Step availability: avoid n² complexity by @eckter in #8485
- Add front code formatting checks in CI by @emersion in #7988
- Add link to website documentation in the code by @eckter in #8097
- Add available simulation div by @Akctarus in #8058
- Initialize authorization by @kmer2016 in #7870
- Take step planned timing data into account in block availability by @Erashin in #8085
- Improve support for '--no-cache' with multi-keys by @woshilapin in #8139
- Add endpoint to list configured speed_limit_tags by @bougue-pe in #8106
- Add "upgrade STDCM" by @theocrsb in #8155
- Add opentelemetry spans for large sections by @eckter in #8153
- Add output table to the simulation result by @anisometropie in #7855
- Prevent point selection on STDCM maps by @kmer2016 in #8236
- Deactivate incompatible layers when switching tool on infra editor by @clarani in #7707
- Delay departure time in stdcm to make the train pass closer to first planned step arrival time by @Erashin in #8260
- Move electrical profile set id from timetable to scenario by @Castavo in #8167
- Use config stored in db for stdcm v2 by @sim51 in #8336
- Tests
- Add e2e tests deleting rolling stocks by @Maymanaf in #7851
- Refactor infra tests part 7 by @hamz2a in #7932
- Add e2e tests search and filter rolling stock by @Maymanaf in #7887
- Add unit tests for stdcm simulation report sheet by @Akctarus in #7979
- Add rolling stock selector e2e test for operational studies by @Maymanaf in #7974
- Add route e2e test for operational studies by @Maymanaf in #8042
- Test unauthenticated case by @hamz2a in #8342
- Role-based authorization system by @leovalais in #7981
- Use new speed limit tags endpoint by @Uriel-Sautron in #8266
- Implement Authorizer creation middleware by @leovalais in #8319
- Display STDCM simulation table results by @Akctarus in #8126
- Add mandatory fields in rollingstock editor by @RomainValls in #8229
- Adding path item times by @flomonster in #8142
- Highlight selected train in space time chart by @Uriel-Sautron in #8405
- Add margin for planned time steps in stdcm by @Erashin in #8366
- Log memory use along the search by @eckter in #8411
- Update display in rolling stock editor by @theocrsb in #8484
- Add roles check to
by @hamz2a in #8345 and #8361 - Add roles check to
by @hamz2a in #8447 - Add roles check to
by @hamz2a in #8466 - Add roles check to
by @hamz2a in #8449 - Add roles check to
by @hamz2a in #8479 - Add roles check to
by @hamz2a in #8424 - Add roles check to
by @hamz2a in #8468 - Add roles check to
by @hamz2a in #8510 - Add roles check to
by @hamz2a in #8445 - Add roles check to
by @hamz2a in #8436 - Add roles check to
by @hamz2a in #8469 - Log requests if env variable is set by @eckter in #8511
- Highlight the stdcm train in the space time chart by @clarani in #8521
- Allow to edit invalid trains without rolling stock name by @clarani in #8531
- Highlight selected train in space time chart by @Uriel-Sautron in #8566
Code refactoring ♻️
- Bump dependencies in multiple PR
- Use workspace for version and licenses by @woshilapin in #7957
Version 0.2.13
What's Changed
Features 🎉
- Train schedule V2:
- Add editoast
option by @flomonster in #7419 - Replace MinPerKm with MinPer100Km by @younesschrifi in #7435
- Adapt frontend STDCM by @clarani in #7437
- Add electrical profiles to response by @eckter in #7465
- Display timetablev2 by @SharglutDev in #7399
- Adapt fuzzer by @eckter in #7324
- Adapt frontend conflicts by @Akctarus in #7533
- Add table to handle trains times and margins by @Uriel-Sautron in #7427
- Initialize stdcm by @kmer2016 in #7414
- Adapt simulation results by @SharglutDev in #7485
- Add field
to the simulatio… by @flomonster in #7710 - Add constraint distribution switch in operational studies by @theocrsb in #7765
- Add stops in stdcm simulation report sheet v2 by @Akctarus in #7629
- Add download button for exporting selected train schedules in json format by @theocrsb in #7809
- Refacto stops table by @anisometropie in #7834
- Add editoast
- Update README:
- Nix development environment:
- Add some useful nix dev dependencies by @woshilapin in #7560
- Update nix using fenix and split flake by @ElysaSrc in #7615
- Add nix 'rust-analyzer' by @woshilapin in #7657
- Handle mph speed limit for osm to railjson by @flomonster in #7443
- Improve core stdcm heuristic using actual remaining distance by @eckter in #7417
- STDCM add work schedules by @eckter in #7343
- Adapt route calculation by @flomonster in #7475
- Spacing requirements handle several zones before first signal by @eckter in #7480
- Simulation report sheet change style and add link to simulation map by @Akctarus in #7462
- Add split track section by @sim51 in #7438
- Add utils to TestApp and tracing setup for unit tests by @leovalais in #7511
- Adapt route and switch selection in speed limit edition by @anisometropie in #7307
- Adapt stdcm simulation report sheet to new endpoint by @Akctarus in #7456
- Add support arrival on stop signal for conflict detection by @bougue-pe in #7322
- Add core debugging tools to export geo data by @eckter in #7561
- Update frontend readme to describe how update dependencies by @kmer2016 in #7584
- Switch to valkey by @emersion in #7515
- Add proud 🏳️🌈 logo in frontend by @emersion in #7699
- Add infra editor autofix for operational points parts by @flomonster in #7571
- Add gateway
for MFA by @younesschrifi in #7817 - Add suggestions using existing list of tags by @theocrsb in #7838
- Add stdcm arrival time parameters by @eckter in #7827
- Add vias in stdcm frontend by @SarahBellaha in #7818
Code refactoring ♻️
- Bump dependencies in multiple PR
- Split editoast in crates:
- Move sql requests from
by @hamz2a in #7431 - Move sql request from
by @hamz2a in #7434 - Move sql request from
by @hamz2a in #7448 - Move sql requests from
by @hamz2a in #7470 - Move
by @hamz2a in #7505 - Use ModelV2 List in study listing endpoint and new pagination system by @leovalais in #7479
- Use ModelV2 List in infra listing endpoint by @leovalais in #7541
- Use ModelV2 List in scenario listing endpoint by @leovalais in #7545
- Use ModelV2 list in timetable listing endpoint by @leovalais in #7542
- Create
and move model v2 database tools by @Wadjetz in #7864
- Move sql requests from
- Generate editoast openapi with utoipa (Done 🎉)
- Add openapi annotations for some /infra/{id} endpoints by @leovalais in #7442
- More openapi annotations for /infra endpoints by @leovalais in #7551
- Add openapi annotation to edition endpoint by @leovalais in #7553
- Add last openapi annotations by @leovalais in #7677
- Bye bye
🥳🥳 by @leovalais in #7686
- Rework editoast tests utils #6980:
- Refactor projects tests by @Wadjetz in #7508
- Refactor
tests by @hamz2a in #7518 - Refactor study tests by @Wadjetz in #7528
- Refactor infra tests by @hamz2a in #7557, #7626, #7635, #7648, #7705 and #7839
- Refactor rollings stocks, livery, electrical profiles tests by @Wadjetz in #7580
- Refactor timetable v2 tests by @Wadjetz in #7647
- Refactor scenario V2 tests by @Wadjetz in #7668
- Refactor train schedule v2 tests by @Wadjetz in #7748
- Refactor work schedules, scenario tests by @Wadjetz in #7780
- Refactor tests for layer and use app.fetch in some tests by @Wadjetz in #7814
- Replace gradients with curves by @younesschrifi in #7447
- Merge core request simulation schedule items with same path offset by @Erashin in #7449
- Account for departure time when checking for conflicts by @eckter in #7469
- Editoast pagination overhaul for ModelV2 list by @leovalais in #7397
- Remove schematic from core, editoast and frontend by @Khoyo in #7356
- Add database connection pool tools by @Wadjetz in #7281
- Remove sentry from core by @Khoyo in #7483
- Remove sentry from editoast by @woshilapin in #7573
- Remove sentry from frontend by @woshilapin in #7574
- Sort schedule points in core response by @eckter in #7544
- Use tracing's pretty formatter for editoast logs by @leovalais in #7548
- Choose arrivalAt/departureFrom in envelope interpolation by @bougue-pe in #7609
- Rename FromRjs files and classes introduced during infra load refactor by @bougue-pe in #7771
- Refactor generated OpenAPI, fix parent models invalidation by @eme...
Version 0.2.12
What's Changed
Features 🎉
- Add editoast get rolling stock by name endpoint by @younesschrifi in #7243
- Add budget field in editoast search study response by @leovalais in #7290
- Train schedule V2:
- Add core path properties endpoint by @Erashin in #7255
- Add core conflict detection endpoint by @Erashin in #7345
- Add editoast path projection endpoint by @flomonster and @younesschrifi in #7210
- Add editoast rolling stock not found to simulation summary status by @flomonster in #7362
- Add editoast batch get endpoint by @flomonster in #7365
- Adapt train schedule endpoint batch post by @flomonster in #7337
- Add rolling stock not found to simulation summary status by @flomonster in #7362
- Add STDCM endpoint by @eckter, @Erashin, @flomonster and @younesschrifi in #7348
- Add core signal projection endpoint by @Erashin in #7304
- Add core simulation endpoint by @eckter in #7272
- Adapt itinerary by @SharglutDev in #7227
- Add train schedule version switch by @Caracol3 in #7203
- Adapt scenario view v2 switch is activated by @Caracol3 in #7203
- Adapt import by @RomainValls in #7172
- Add stdcm simulation sheet by @Akctarus in #7080
- Adding source extension for tracksection by @sim51 in #7249 and #7323
- Add i18n keys check in CI by @sim51 in #7302
- Add bpcc display to infra editor by @RomainValls in #7329
- Add operational points display to infra editor by @RomainValls in #7381
- Add List trait to ModelV2 by @leovalais in #7350
- Gateway uses a fork of openidconnect-rs with leniant
parsing by @multun in #7310 - Add split track section endpoint by @sim51 in #7326
Code refactoring ♻️
- Bump dependencies in multiple PR
- Split editoast in crates:
- Move
by @hamz2a in #7258 - Move train schedule base to schemas by @Wadjetz in #7177
- Move
by @hamz2a in #7282 - Move
items toeditoast_schemas
by @hamz2a in #7285 - Move
by @hamz2a in #7288 - Move many items to
by @hamz2a in #7297 - Move
crate by @hamz2a in #7398 - ModelV2 implementation in multiple submodules by @leovalais in #7247
- ModelV2 codegen in multiple submodules by @leovalais in #7254 and #7269
- Move
- Add
to all infra schemas by @hamz2a in #7306 - Remove core dead code / obsolete docs by @multun in #7299
- Mute core opentelemetry warnings for logs and metrics by @woshilapin in #7412
- Connection type alias by @Wadjetz in #7336
- Add telemetry on database requests by @woshilapin in #7389
- Replace
in models by @hamz2a in #7418 - Directly load infrastructure from RailJSON by @multun in #7248
- Add a RailJSON builder and remove the old builder by @multun in #7277
- Utoipa migration:
by @hamz2a in #7344infra/{id}/lock
by @hamz2a in #7321infra/{id}/unlock
by @hamz2a in #7328infra/{id}/speed_limit_tags
by @hamz2a in #7331infra/{id}/voltages
by @hamz2a in #7344infra/voltages
by @hamz2a in #7357infra/{id}/switch_types
by @hamz2a in #7370/infra/id/railjson
by @hamz2a in #7358
- Clean up
by @hamz2a in #7273 - Adapt endpoint for routes from switches by @SarahBellaha in #7239
- Intregate UI core from npm by @kmer2016 in #7162
- Remove empty openapi.yaml at project root by @leovalais in #7351
- Use endpoint's uri for span's name by @woshilapin in #7366
- Remove 'openapi.yml' by @woshilapin in #7374
- Ignore editoast flaky test until finding a fix by @woshilapin in #7408
- Add CI clippy checks for gateway by @flomonster in #7406
Bug fixes 🐛
- Fix minor bug when end and start are on same edge by @eckter in #7300
- Remove neutral section hacks to improve reliability by @multun in #7413
- Add retry on broken pipes errors by @Castavo in #7283
- Fixes rolling stock import command and a bunch of definition errors by @leovalais in #7238
- Fix missing platforms by @nicolaswurtz in #7264
- Fix jaeger configuration for host networking by @multun in #7261
- Fix test avoid violate unique constraint by @flomonster in #7296
- Fix power restriction field in simulation result by @younesschrifi in #7298
- Fix editoast train schedule deserialization error message by @flomonster in #7334
- Fix editoast flaky test by @leovalais in #7411
- Fix editoast search cache refresh query by @leovalais in #7369
- Fix core error deserialisation due to missing unit and kotlin adapters by @Erashin in #7355
- Set block to route map even if path ended by @eckter in #7284
- Fix scenario selection button in scenario card by @RomainValls in #7405
Full Changelog: v0.2.11...v0.2.12
Version 0.2.11
What's Changed
Features 🎉
- Add TVM430 signaling system by @Khoyo in #7152
- Add work_schedule model by @clarani in #7079
- Add electrification ranges to train schedule csv export by @nicolaswurtz in #7147
- Train Schedule V2:
- Fix pathfinding using uic or trigrams by @flomonster in #7165
- Update front store by @SharglutDev in #7149
- Implement pathfinding in core by @eckter in #7218
- Fix editoast pathfinding openApi by @younesschrifi in #7256
- Add editoast simulation summary endpoint by @younesschrifi in #7119
- Fix editoast path properties schema by @flomonster in #7226
- Fix request payload for core by @flomonster in #7257
- Add route-based speed section support in core by @leovalais in #6948
- Gateway support an username whitelist for OIDC providers by @Khoyo in #7231
Code refactoring ♻️
- Bump dependencies in multiple PR
- Add python support 3.12 by @shenriotpro in #7187
- Split editoast in crates:
- Move
by @hamz2a in #7145 - Move train schedule allowance and rjs power restriction range to schemas by @Wadjetz in #7143
- Move rolling stock and rs with liveries to schemas to schemas by @Wadjetz in #7128
- Move light rolling stock to views by @Wadjetz in #7159
- Move track offset, margins path item to schemas by @Wadjetz in #7168
- Move train schedule v2 structs to schemas by @Wadjetz in #7176
- Move primitives to
by @hamz2a in #7182 - Move
to infraeditoast_schemas
by @hamz2a in #7186 - Move
by @hamz2a in #7192 - Move
by @hamz2a in #7196 - Move
by @hamz2a in #7198 - Move
by @hamz2a in #7202 - Move
by @hamz2a in #7199 - Move
by @hamz2a in #7207 - Move
by @hamz2a in #7206 - Move
by @hamz2a in #7209 - Move
by @hamz2a in #7211 - Move
by @hamz2a in #7212 - Move
by @hamz2a in #7220 - Move infra items to
by @hamz2a in #7228 and #7246 - Remove postgis_diesel dependency of editoast_common by @leovalais in #7204
- Remove serde default from project and study by @Wadjetz in #6949
- Remove
dependency fromOperationalPoint
schema by @hamz2a in #7242 - Move
cache toInfraCache
by @hamz2a in #7245 - Refactor
by @hamz2a in #7219, #7225 and #7232
- Move
- Cache core constraint in the combiner by @eckter in #7166
- Lazy signaling evaluation of route set by @eckter in #7171
- Relax versions to minimal acceptable versions by @woshilapin in #7161
- Use soft references for cached envelopes in stdcm by @eckter in #7183
- Replace custom GeoJson type by the geojson crate by @leovalais in #7191
- Fix editoast /infra/{}/objects geometry response by @leovalais in #7197
- CI don't fail if codecov does by @Khoyo in #7217
- Remove core A* heuristic in the block pathfinding by @eckter in #7201
- Cleanup
by @eckter in #7170 - Activate opentelemetry by default in docker by @woshilapin in #7216
- Add more context in core to assert errors by @eckter in #7110
- STDCM pathfinding class by @anisometropie, @SarahBellaha and @shenriotpro in #6964
- Split ModelV2 traits into separate files by @leovalais in #7208
Bug fixes 🐛
- Invert BAL and TVM transition drivers in core by @Khoyo in #7125
- Fix crash on edge case by @eckter in #7146
- Fix ci typo in artifact names by @Khoyo in #7156
- Fix core condition for constraining signals by @eckter in #7164
- Link speed limit to route id for ralen 30 60 by @Math-R in #7169
- Fix front inputgroup sync behavior in allowances by @RomainValls in #6946
- Fix missing content in pr #6768 by @Caracol3 in #7163
- Fix tvm to bal transitions by @Khoyo in #7188
- Fix mutable array set binary search bounds by @multun in #7190
- Fix clippy warning in the gateway by @leovalais in #7205
Full Changelog: v0.2.10...v0.2.11
Version 0.2.10
What's Changed
Features 🎉
- OpenRail Association migration by @flomonster and @ElysaSrc in #7094
- Update translations and display errors count based on filter l… by @achrafmohye in #6844
- Pathfinding allow completion by station name in search by trigram by @Caracol3 in #6768
- Implement TVM300 signaling system by @Khoyo in #6973
- Train Schedule V2:
- Editoast: add new simulation endpoint by @younesschrifi in #7077
Code refactoring ♻️
- Bump multiple dependencies in multiple PR
- Split editoast in crates:
- Move rolling stock gamma to schemas by @Wadjetz in #7076
- Move schema/operation to editoast::infra_cache by @hamz2a in #7089
- Move rs effort curves to schemas by @Wadjetz in #7087
- Move
by @hamz2a in #7101 - Move rolling_resistance to schemas by @Wadjetz in #7100
- Move energy source to schemas by @Wadjetz in #7099
- Move supported signaling systems to schemas by @Wadjetz in #7108
- Move rolling stock metadata by @Wadjetz in #7109
- Move
by @hamz2a in #7111 - Move loading gauge, rs common and rs livery to schemas by @Wadjetz in #7115
- Move
by @hamz2a in #7126 - Move
by @hamz2a in #7127 - Move
in editoast_schemas by @Wadjetz in #7114
- Avoid STDCM calling spacing requirements on empty paths by @eckter in #7097
- Add taplo to the CI checks by @woshilapin in #7053
- Add taplo tool to nix flake by @flomonster in #7113
- Refactor front MapSearchOperationalPoint component and handle keyboa… by @achrafmohye in #7041
- core: stdcm: remove envelopes in stdcm edges by @Erashin in #7129
- core: stdcm: stop computing engineering allowances during exploration by @eckter in #7090
- gateway: relax version restrictions and bump dependencies by @multun in #7138
Bug fixes 🐛
- ci: run all editoast workspace tests by @Wadjetz in #7088
- Fix front infra lock status by @Akctarus in #7078
- Fix editoast train schedule v2 deserialization by @flomonster in #7117
Full Changelog: v0.2.9...v0.2.10
Version 0.2.9
What's Changed
Features 🎉
- Add possibility to use switch to retrieve possible routes and edit speedsection by @Math-R in #6800
- Manage multiple units in rolling stock editor by @SharglutDev in #6671
- Add editoast support to datadog and opentelemetry by @woshilapin in #6677
- Add telemetry propagators between gateway and editoast by @woshilapin in #6822
- Train Schedule V2:
- Add path properties endpoint by @younesschrifi and @flomonster in #6803
- Handle not enough path items for pathfinding endpoint by @younesschrifi in #6851
- Add scenario endpoints and models by @Wadjetz in #6738
- Add simulation results endpoints setups by @younesschrifi in #6889
- Add endpoint to retrieve a path from a trainschedule by @ElysaSrc in #6804
- Add trainSchedule v1/v2 switch by @clarani in #7060
- Conflict detection integration in STDCM by @eckter in #6171
- Add signaling system BAPR/TVM transitions by @eckter in #6900
- Implement the flashing yellow for the BAL signaling system by @Khoyo in #6891
- Add search ops by UIC UIC by @nicolaswurtz in #6962
- Add time in hh:mm:ss format for trainschedule export, less decimals for values by @nicolaswurtz in #6970
- Scheduled points use linear allowance instead of mareco in core by @Castavo in #6086
- Handle "jaune cli" for BAPR to BAL signals by @Khoyo in #6943
Code refactoring ♻️
- Update multiple dependencies in multiple PR
- Editoast model v2 migration:
- Scss reorganize in common folder by @Caracol3 in #6777
- Allow python newer pydantic versions and specify pytype as linux only by @Castavo in #6812
- Update front IGN layers to new endpoints by @nicolaswurtz in #6911
- Fix a number of editoast warnings present on nightly by @Khoyo in #6929
- Add tests for
function by @Uriel-Sautron in #6919 - Transform loading gauge type to enum by @hamz2a in #6956
- Handle core constraints in
instead of pathfinding for stdcm by @SarahBellaha in #6916 - Reorganize all 'use' as unique items by @woshilapin in #7049
- Rename
by @hamz2a in #7066 - Rely on fixed point to compute stdcm final envelope by @eckter in #7059
- Remove default value for runserver cli threads arg by @Castavo in #7071
- Add
empty lib by @Wadjetz in #7072 - Harmonize rtk usages by @clarani in #7039
- Move
by @hamz2a in #7075 - Use new spreadsheet component by @Akctarus in #6788
- Make editoast 'Result' more flexible by @woshilapin in #7074
- Use soft references for cache by @eckter in #6909
- Set TVM signals sight distance to zero by @Khoyo in #7040
Bug fixes 🐛
- Fix broken link to doc by @Khoyo in #6811
- Fix zoom buttons in maps by @achrafmohye in #6802
- Fix linesearch highlight in simulation results map by @RomainValls in #6835
- Fix rolling stock creation even if database is empty by @Caracol3 in #6840
- Fix editoast openapi and typo by @younesschrifi in #6842
- Fix editoast train schedules patch by @flomonster in #6872
- Fixes cursors when moving elements by @jacomyal in #6860
- Fix stdcm cost function when departure time range is 0 by @eckter in #6887
- Recompute allowance length in front when position change by @achrafmohye in #6882
- Fix
by @Khoyo in #6904 - Fix none display when no study type in operational studies by @RomainValls in #6746
- Fix detection zone creation around crossing node by @bougue-pe in #6906
- Fix power restriction behavior by @Akctarus in #6703
- Fix allowances do not reset when changing the path by @clarani in #6823
- Fix train arrival_time when adding a margin by @younesschrifi in #6899
- Make budget nullable in project and study by @hamz2a in #6861
- Fix power restrictions warnings by @SharglutDev in #6878
- Fix flaky pathfinding test by @Khoyo in #6930
- Fix selected color, typos, and add warning in speed-effort curve editor by @Akctarus in #6881
- Stop chaining flashing yellow by @Khoyo in #6953
- Fix editor line snapping creating a custom
function by @sim51 in #6907 - Fix traindriverschedule disappearing by @nicolaswurtz in #6966
- Fix yarn
and add ci fail check by @Wadjetz in #6957 - Fix last e2e test (stdcm test) & remove the enable tag in e2e tests by @clarani in #6969
- Ensure correct timezone handling in date fields by @Caracol3 in #6967
New Contributors
- @achrafmohye made their first contribution in #6802
Full Changelog: v0.2.8...v0.2.9
Version 0.2.8
What's Changed
Features 🎉
- Add gateway config open telemetry propagator by @Wadjetz in #6648
- Use new front-end osrd ui-icons project by @nicolaswurtz in #6527
- Add search filters in timetable by @RomainValls in #6549
- Add signaling systems support in the rolling stock editor by @SarahBellaha in #6552
- Adding an error inventory to editoast by @sim51 in #6632
- New railjson, route-dependant speed sections by @leovalais in #6599
- Search revamp and limiting to 100 results by @nicolaswurtz in #6696
- Add an endpoint to retrieve routes from nodes by @leovalais in #6694
- Improves editor speed sections form by @jacomyal in #6646
- Display jaune cli on GET by @kmer2016 in #6643
- Order objects when downloading a railjson by @Castavo in #6728
- Add editoast
option to runserver command by @Castavo in #6732 - Dev scripts helpers and flake improvement by @ElysaSrc in #6795
- Starting train schedule V2:
- Add schema and models by @younesschrifi and @flomonster in #6532
- Add pathfinding endpoint by @younesschrifi and @flomonster in #6753
- Add timetable import command by @ElysaSrc in #6754
- Add train export command by @ElysaSrc in #6776
Code refactoring ♻️
- Update multiple dependencies in multiple PR
- Add reverse neutral-section to small infra for core tests by @bougue-pe in #6633
- Add stdcm test e2e by @clarani in #6644
- Front-end warns on using LegacyFilterSpecification by @jacomyal in #5877
- Replace editoast log with tracing by @woshilapin in #6649
- Change from
by @woshilapin in #6650 - Change gateway example config otl endpoint address by @Castavo in #6676
- Add rolling stock editor e2e test by @Uriel-Sautron in #6641
- Add pathfinding by trigram search e2e test by @Yohh in #6684
- Enhance editoast error context by @sim51 in #6662
- Front-end code refactoring of error management by @sim51 in #6663
- Code refactoring allowances e2e-tests by @Yohh in #6697
- Configure tracing to output on stderr for editoast by @leovalais in #6699
- Better handling of editor api error on forms by @sim51 in #6730
- Handle utoipa for
editoast endpoint by @Tristramg in #6153 - Update core readme by deleting the test generation section by @flomonster in #6638
- Code refactoring of map module by @flomonster in #6760
- Move editoast doc batch dependency description closer to code by @bougue-pe in #6762
- Add typescript rule for import types and eslint rule for import sorting by @SharglutDev in #6550
- Improve core handling of node groups with multiple connections by @bougue-pe in #6779
- Move models to v2:
Bug fixes 🐛
- Fix curves visibility reset when add data in a spreadsheet by @kmer2016 in #6631
- Fix front bug markers info is incorrect when editing a train by @clarani in #6602
- Fix different core minor bugs by @bougue-pe in #6635
- Fix small infra stations characteristics by @louisgreiner in #6661
- Fix infra error message for invalid value by @sim51 in #6698
- Fix STDCM if margin input has been cleared by @Uriel-Sautron in #6669
- Fix rolling stock filter with reference and subseries in timetable by @nicolaswurtz in #6723
- Fix user setting dropdown hidden by @Uriel-Sautron in #6678
- Fix editor avoiding API calls when no infra is selected by @sim51 in #6734
- Fix core
for redundantDistanceRangeMaps
by @shenriotpro in #6731 - Fix add via on Map by @kmer2016 in #6668
- Fix Wikipedia UIC code page link in editosat doc by @nicolaswurtz in #6761
- Fix negative deceleration value in rolling stock editor by @RomainValls in #6764
- Fix no data display when no train in the timetable in op studies by @RomainValls in #6765
- Fix overflow in
by @Uriel-Sautron in #6763 - Fix cartographic tile cache expiration time by @flomonster in #6781
- Fix train position projection by @ElysaSrc and @Khoyo in #6798
- Fix
array init performance by @multun in #6805
Full Changelog: v0.2.7...v0.2.8